Faculty members of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences (Math_CS - HCMUS for short) participate in collaborative teaching and research activities with many organizations and colleagues both in Vietnam and internationally.
More specifically, many staffs and students of the faculty participate in academic activities governed by Vietnam Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), Vietnam Mathematical Society, etc.
In particular, the faculty is involved in the National Program for the Development of Mathematics for the period from 2021 to 2030. (Link – in Vietnamese)
A number of mathematicians from other organizations, furthermore, visited and participated in various activities of the faculty, such as in scientific council of the faculty, in research groups as well as in co-advising thesis, etc.
In addition, the faculty also organize and participate community activities as well as local projects such as training programs for high school Math teachers and the “Math Open Day” event for high school and secondary students (Math Open Day – Link – in Vietnamese) etc.
- Cooperative training programs:
- MFVMA – Master Franco-Vietnamien de Mathématiques appliquées (MFVMA - Link). This is our master program in applied mathematics collaborated with six universities in France including Université d’Orléans, Université de Tours, Université de Paris-Nord 13, Ecole Polytechnique, Université de Rennes 1 and Université de Lorraine. (Report on the program in the period of 2011-2016 - in Vietnamese)
- Vietnamese - French conference in applied mathematics, in 2018, for the tenth years anniversary of the program.
Furthermore, there a several academic training activities organized at the University of Science, for instance, some recent events are listed below:
- Summer school in Data Sciences 2023 co-organized by VIASM: Summer school in DS 2023;
- Summer courses: Short-term summer courses constitute a traditionally academic activity of the faculty during the summer break (from the month of June to August), in which visiting mathematicians and scientists from other institutions give lectures on up-to-date topics (mer Courses 2019, Summer Courses 2018, Summer Courses 2017, Summer Courses 2016).
- There have been occasionally special courses given by professors from top research universities and institutes around the world, in particularly in the Europe and the US;
- Internationally academic exchange programs for undergraduate students: During many years from 2011, several undergraduate students of the faculty participated in the Short-Term Exchange Program (STEP@TUAT) following an agreement with the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) (Short-term exchange program TUAT - Vietnamese);
In turn, in 2019, there were two undergraduate students from the Université Paris-Nord-13 who came for study in one semester.
In the second semester of academic year 2018-2019 we received two exchange students from the University of Paris 13 studying for one semester
- Since 2008, there is a mathematical conference named Summer Meeting - Gặp gỡ Mùa hè organized mainly by our alumni.
- Collaborative research activities:
Seminars: the faculty regularly invite expert professors from various excellent research universities and institutes around the world to give talks in seminars.
- Partnerships with other academic instituions and industrial companies:
- A list of our academic partners
- Our academic partners for training (academic partners - in Vietnamese).
- Our industrial partners (industrial partners - in Vietnamese).
Invitation for cooperation
- Opportunities in higher studies:
A remarkable number of our former students have been awarded post-graduate scholarships (for Master and Ph.D. studies) from prestigious universities and organizations, for instance: VEF, Erasmus, CIMI Toulouse, FSMP, etc.
- Undergraduate scholarships:
We do establish a funding to contribute in development of the faculty via providing financial supports for our students who have financial difficulties.
(Funding for supports for development of Math_CS-HCMUS - in Vietnamese)
Moreover, a significant number of scholarships in the National Program for the Development of Mathematics (managed by VIASM) are awarded to our undergraduate students each year.
- Alumni:
The alumni of our faculty regularly have visited and joined in various activities such as discussion forums, seminars, etc. in which undergraduate students find invaluable advices.
** In academic careers:
Many alumni of the faculty currently become professors (tenure tracks) in a variety of excellent universities and institutes such as
- Nguyen Cong Phuc: professor at the Louisiana State University, USA;
- Nguyen Hoai Minh: professor at the Sorbonne Université, Paris, France;
- Le Quang Nam: professor at Indiana University Bloomington, USA;
- Truong Trung Tuyen: associate professor at University of Oslo, Norway;
- Nguyen Trong Toan: professor at the Pennsylvania State University, USA;
- Nguyen Le Luc: associate professor at Oxford University, UK;
- Tran Vinh Hung: professor at the University of Wisconsin and Madison, USA;
- Nguyen Tien Khai: associate professor at the University of North Carolina, USA;
- Phan Thanh Nam: professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany;
- Nguyen Quang Huy: assistant professor at the University of Maryland, USA;
- Ho Pham Minh Nhat: assistant professor at the University of Texas A&M;
- Huynh Manh Khang: postdoc at Georgia Tech., USA.