New students will enroll in the Mathematics program. During the first two years, they will complete fundamental courses that establish a strong foundation in mathematics and computer science. By the end of the fourth semester, students can select a specialization that aligns with their career aspirations, including Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or Mathematical Informatics. The degree certificate will specify the chosen specialization, providing an advantage when applying for relevant positions in various fields.
Mathematics: Provides in-depth training in mathematical theories and applications, serving as a strong foundation for scientific research and related fields.
Applied Mathematics: Focuses on utilizing mathematics to solve real-world problems in engineering, finance, biology, and industry.
Mathematics and Computer Science: Emphasizes algorithms, computational models, and mathematical applications in information technology, making it suitable for fields such as cybersecurity, optimization, and artificial intelligence.
Honors bachelor’s Program
In addition to the standard training programs, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science offers the Honors Bachelor's Program, designed for students with exceptional talent and passion for mathematics. This program features an advanced curriculum that fosters research-oriented thinking, creativity, and the application of mathematics in various fields, including science, technology, finance, and artificial intelligence.
Students in this program will study in a highly academic environment under the guidance of leading professors and researchers. In addition to advanced coursework, they will have opportunities to engage in research projects, internships at scientific institutes and technology enterprises, and academic exchange programs with prestigious universities both domestically and internationally.
With a strong focus on nurturing talent and developing in-depth research capabilities, the program is designed with flexibility and is continuously updated to align with modern trends. It equips students with logical reasoning, analytical skills, and practical application abilities, preparing them for future academic and professional success.