Trần Tất Lanh
Department of Mathematics, Indiana University – Khoa Toán, Đại học Indiana, Mỹ
Abstract: Buying Lows and selling Highs is a common strategy in commodity and stock trading. However, most traders using this strategy end up losing money since it is not clear what Lows and Highs are and also how much to buy or sell. In my talk, I propose a new strategy which will always yield a profit in the long run. The only condition required is that the price of the stock or commodity traded does not tend to a limit. A complex computer program is employed to carry out the computations involved. To test my strategy, I bought several stocks using Interactive Brokers as my brokerage firm. The results of my trading of the stock SSRI (Silver Standard Resources Inc.) and XIV (VelocityShares Daily Inverses), downloaded from Interactive Brokers will be discussed. The trading is done to prove the theory behind my strategy. These findings are of special interest as they appear to contradict both the random walk and the efficient market hypotheses.
Time: 15:00, 09/05/2016, Hall I.