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[Scientific Seminar] Wear - Then - Act: Wearables for Personalized Healthcare & Human-Computer Interaction

  • Time and Date: 10:00AM, 28.12.2023
  • Format: 
    • Offline: 30 slots  E202B Room - University of Science - VNU HCM (227, Nguyen Van Cu Street, District 5).
    • Online: 100 slots on Zoom platform.  
  • Presenter: Assistant Professor Anh Nguyen (Department of Computer Science at the University of Montana, USA) 
  • Bio: Anh Nguyen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Montana, USA, and leads the Mobile Cyber-Physical Intelligence (mCyPhI) Lab. She earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Colorado Boulder. Her research interests encompass designing, developing, and deploying innovative sensing and intervention technologies for smart health, the Internet of Things, and human-computer interactions. Her team's overarching research mission involves exploring and expanding the potential of cyber-physical systems through multimodal data fusion and interpretation frameworks in multidisciplinary research. This includes understanding human activities, enhancing human capabilities, predicting future health issues, operating in inaccessible conditions, and improving efficiency. Her research has been published at top-tier venues for systems, including ACM MobiCom, ACM SenSys, ACM MobiSys, and Springer Nature Scientific Reports. Her research contributions have been recognized with three Best Paper awards, one Best Paper Runner Up award, one Best Paper Nominee, and four Research Highlights from ACM SIGMOBILE and Communications of the ACM. 
  • Tilte: Wear-Then-Act: Wearables for Personalized Healthcare & Human-Computer Interaction
  • Abstract: Physiological signals, generated by various bodily sources, contain crucial information about the condition of the body's major structures, encompassing brain activities, eye movements, muscle contractions, and cardio-respiratory features, among others. Monitoring and stimulating such biosignals not only aids in diagnosing, treating, and preventing health conditions but also establishes implicit two-way communication between humans and computers. Unfortunately, the current 'gold standard' for studying physiological signals is intrusive, expensive, and often unwieldy. This talk introduces our innovative wearable systems, promising unobtrusive, cost-effective, and accurate sensing and stimulation capabilities for reliable physiological signals in comfortable in-home settings. I will discuss how our wearable cyber-physical systems offer clinical-grade solutions, enabling the simultaneous sensing of multiple biosignals at non-standard locations and real-time brain entrainment for closed-loop personalized healthcare practices. Furthermore, I will explore potential research avenues for deploying these systems in diverse real-world human-computer interaction (HCI) directions.
