Tin mới

SIMIODE Challenge Using Differential Equations Modeling (SCUDEM) officially opens for registration. This year, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science will establish 2 to 3 teams to participate in this competition. 

During the competition, each team will be required to solve a problem within 3 weeks (from mid-October to mid-November). The results will then be presented as a 10-minute video in English, and submitted to the scientific committee. Teams that have good results will be selected as winners.

 In the last two years, some teams from the Faculty have participated in the SCUDEM, and won high prizes. Students who win prizes in the competition will not only be rewarded by the University and the Faculty, but also their CVs will be highly appreciated when applying for scholarships or jobs in the future. 

Before October 11, 2023, students who intend to participate should get in contact with Dr. Vũ Đỗ Huy Cường, who has been designated by the Faculty as a Coach, by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

Some note:

  • Three-member student teams
  • Knowledge of "Differential equations and partial derivatives"
  • English language usage
  • The exam participation fee is 100 USD/team and is supported by the University
