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  • Viện Khoa học Toán học, ĐH Ewha Womans, Hàn Quốc đang tuyển dụng các vị trí giáo sư nghiên cứu, nghiên cứu sau tiến sĩ, thông tin chi tiết người quan tâm có thể xem bên dưới. 
  • Ghi chú: mặc dù hạn chót nộp hồ sơ được ghi là 15/01/2023 và ngày bắt đầu là 01/03/2023 nhưng GS. Jae Youn Ahn (ĐH Ewha Womans) nói rằng hiện các vị trí này vẫn đang được tuyển và thời điểm bắt đầu có thể linh động. Ứng viên quan tâm vẫn có thể nộp hồ sơ, hoặc liên lạc trực tiếp với GS Jae Youn Ahn (Email: jaeyahn (at) hoặc GS. Lee Dongh Wan (Email: donghwan.lee (at) để trao đổi thêm. 
Ewha Womans University, Institute of Mathematical Science invites outstanding research professors and postdoctoral researchers in the field of computational mathematics. This research center is carrying out the National Research Foundation of Korea key research center support project (follow-up) (June 2019 - February 2025), and professors participating in the research center are carrying out various research tasks. The Institute of Mathematical Sciences operates various support systems to provide researchers with a stable research environment, develop research capabilities, and promote academic activities, so interested researchers are encouraged to apply.
1. Title: Research professor, postdoctoral researcher
2. Expected appointment date: March 1, 2023
3. Fields of invitation: statistics/information and related fields
4. Qualifications:
  1. Research professor: 3 or more research achievements (SCI-level journals) in the last 5 years
  2. Postdoctoral researcher: 1 or more research achievements (SCI-level academic journal) if 3 years have passed since obtaining the doctoral degree
5. Terms and Conditions
- Appointed as a research professor or postdoctoral researcher depending on experience and can be renewed for 1 year or 3 years
- Annual salary: research professor 48~60 million Korean won (870,000,000 Vietnam dong ~ 1,100,000,000 Vietnam dong) / postdoctoral researcher 40~48 million Korean won (including severance pay/four major insurances) 
- Scheduled to support research expenses for additional incentives and academic activities according to research performance
6. Application deadline: January 15, 2023 (Sun)
7. How to apply: Email application This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
8. Inquiries: Ewha Womans University Mathematical Science Research Center Administrative Office
(Phone) 82-2-3277-6990, (E-mail) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* Basic submission documents: Resume (including research achievements), research plan (free form), one letter of recommendation
* Appointed (expected) person: career certificate, doctoral degree certificate, post-bachelor transcript, copy of published thesis