Category: English
Hits: 1390

Mini Workshop: Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics in Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, AI and Data Sciences

Thursday December 19 2019. Room F207 VNUHCM - University of Science, 227 Nguyen Van Cu District 5 HCMC.

The talk will be 30' presentation + 10-15' discussion.

8h45 AM: welcome guests (students and researchers)

8h55 AM: quick opening

9h AM: Machine learning framework for an inverse problem, by Dr. Binh T. Nguyen

9h45 AM: Domain decomposition and parallel computing for large scale computations, by Professor J. Ryan and L. Halpern (University of Paris 13)

10h30-10h45: tea break

10h45-11h30: Solving hyperbolic systems of conservation laws by Deep Learning, by Dr Trung T. Nguyen.
