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The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Science, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City ( is looking for cooperations with partners inside the country as well as abroad.

Below we will describe suggested areas where cooperations can be developed. We call for proposals from all interested individuals and organizations. 

1. Seminar

We welcome mathematicians who are visiting Ho Chi Minh City to give seminar talks at our faculty. It can be arranged beforehand with one of our faculty members. In case the visitor is not acquainted with anybody, he or she can write an email to our Dean.

2. Teaching

Visiting mathematicians can give short courses or lecture series. The course can be non-credit, as a series of lectures. In this case little administrative preparations are needed. Or the course can be a credit course. In this case preparations need to be made in order to register the course. Usually short courses are intensive, delivered within from one week to a month. Courses can be at  undergraduate or graduate levels.

2.1. Joint Teaching

In the past few years we have organized joint teachings with mathematicians from the United States, France, Belgium, and Russia. In such a course, one of our faculty members prepares background for students before the visiting professor arrives to give the main course. We can assign Teaching Assistants to help with the teaching.

2.2. Summer Semester

Starting from Summer 2008 we have a five-week Summer Semester, lasting from July to the first week of August, specifically reserved for teaching cooperations. These are often short (about 4 sessions) courses, the contents is more advanced, more up to date, or not offered in regular courses. During the Summer Semester there will be an annual international conference “Summer Meeting - Gặp gỡ Mùa hè” opens to all.

2.3. Subjects for which teaching cooperations are suggested

Currently we especially encourage subjects in applied and industrial mathematics, in which a majority of our students are interested.

These are also subjects of which our current teaching contents and methods need updates and improvements. We suggest subjects in numerical analysis, statistics, applied mechanics, financial mathematics, optimizations, scientific computing, as well as others.

On the other hand we also welcome subjects in pure mathematics. We have a small, but strong group of students, including some students in our honor program who will be able to follow courses in pure mathematics. Many of these students are expected to go to graduate schools in Vietnam and abroad. We also have master degree students who can attend courses in pure mathematics.

3. Joint Programs

We are the partner in the French-Vietnamese Master in Applied Mathematics, the French counterpart is the University of Orleans, see here. In this program mathematicians from the University of Orleans and other universities in France visit and teach intensive courses to master students. The student body consists mostly of graduates of our department, but also of graduates of many other universities from different parts of Vietnam. Many among these students will have interships to write their theses in France.

3.1. Joint Supervisions of Theses

It is possible for a mathematician not in our faculty to supervise senior, master, and PhD theses either alone or jointly with our faculty members.

3.2. Inter-departmental Agreements

Inter-departmental agreements: Currently we have agreements with several mathematics departments from foreign universities for students exchanges, admission of students, dual degrees, ..., such as with University of Paris 13, University of Verona, Chungnam National University.

4. Scholarships and Internships

We welcome organizations to provide scholarships and internships opportunities to students.