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Chuyên mục: Đại học
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        Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, VNUHCM-University of Science,  is currently recruiting undergraduate students in the following two majors:

1. Mathematics

       Honor Class


2. Data Science



        Currently, the faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, VNUHCM-University of Science, has the following admission methods:




     Direct admission, priority admission according to the regular university admission regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training

     Maximum 5% of total target

More detailed information here.


     a) Priority for direct admission according to regulations of Vietnam National University-HCM: Maximum 5% of total target

     b) Priority for admission according to regulations of Vietnam National University-HCM: Maximum 20% of total target

Application Procedure is here.


     Admission based on Results of the 2023 National High School Graduation Exam

     15% – 40% of total target


     Admission based on Results of the 2023 VNUHCM’S Qualification Test.

     45% – 55% of total target

More detailed information here.


     Admission based on the average academic results of the last 3 years of high school for Vietnamese applicants studying at foreign schools in Vietnam/ abroad with educated programs recognized in their home country or foreign applicants studying high school abroad or in Vietnam.

    Maximum 2% of total target

More detailed information here



     Admission is based on the results of international foreign language certificates combined with high school academic results.

     8%-20% of total target

More detailed information here.



1. Tuition fees

 Estimated tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year: 30.400.000 VND

2. Scholarship

  2.1. Entrance scholarship

Scholarships for new students who achieve excellent results in the annual admission period according to the University's general regulations.


Subjects to be granted scholarships Scholarship value


- New students with the highest scores (excluding priority scores) of the admission method based on the results of the High School Graduation Exam and of the admission method based on the results of the Competency Assessment Exam organized by Vietnam National University-HCM
- New first-year students won gold, silver, and bronze medals at the international level in the Olympiad in subjects (Math, Natural Sciences, and Informatics).
- New student won first prize at the national level in science and technology competitions; Olympic Exam; Exam for excellent students in subjects (Math, Natural Sciences and Informatics).

100% of actual tuition paid for the entire course (04 years)


- New students with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th highest scores (excluding priority scores) of the admission method based on the results of the High School Graduation Exam and of the admission method based on the results of the Assessment Exam organized by Vietnam National University-HCM

100% of actual tuition paid for the first year


   2.2. The scholarship for each semester

    See details via the link here

   2.3. Hardship policy scholarship

   For students in extremely difficult circumstances who cannot pay tuition, not for students eligible for tuition exemption or reduction according to State regulations.

  2.4. Sponsored scholarships

    Scholarships are sponsored by individuals and units outside the school with criteria specified by the scholarship granting unit.